Seasons of Growth In Adversity...

Today Shelby and I were ‘guests’ on Sherry’s podcast! The show was all about turning the tough times of Covid 19 into a positive time of growth, pursuing dreams, etc… During this time I have been busy working on my art skills, cranking out caricatures, and trying to improve my limited computer skills !

If you want to listen to Sherry’s Soul H2O episode 28 Seasons of Growth in Adversity you can find it here:

Here’s a quick prep sketch of a family who requested a hockey theme !



A 10 minute warm up sketch… the man never ceases to amaze us.. good or bad!

A bunch of retirement caricatures! 🔥All for Chatham Fire Dept.

Had a great time and some good laughs sketchin’ up these caricatures for CFD 🔥

Podcast with my buddy Andy Vasily !

I had the privilege of being a guest on the podcast 'Run Your Life" with Andy Vasily! We had a great day together golfing, hanging out and then recording a show that will air sometime in August. Andy travels the world speaking about a number of topics, in particular mental health and living your best life. Andy asked if I would do a caricature of us together for the website and podcast, and of course I was happy to oblige!

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Corporate Caricature!

Looking for a unique, fun gift idea for a retiring co worker?! Consider a caricature by Stahl!

This one was done for a co worker who was retiring and looking forward to many days on the links... BUT only AFTER he finishes a very long 'honey-do' list!!


Latest tattoo design

Here is a tattoo design I have just completed for a friend...If you are looking for a custom designed tattoo ... Shoot me a text or email and I can help you design one!

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